How to Run Your Home Like a Business – Webinar


Webinar Overview

Learn how to run your home like a business by applying planning and delegation principles that you leverage to achieve success in the workplace – to your home.

Build strategies and systems around the physical and mental load that comes with home and family life alongside work to make room for self-care.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to combat stress with self-care tools.
  • Why building a life-work balance vision, values and goals are key to making changes.
  • Building strategies around your team, home and family.
  • Creating systems to support implementing strategies.

Why should I attend

If you feel like you don’t have time for self-care or struggle to manage the workload that comes with the home and family life, this webinar provides practical advice on how to navigate these challenges.

About the Trainer

Aoife Hughes is a Life-Work Balance corporate speaker, coach and podcaster. Aoife has 12 years’ experience working in the corporate world. She is a mother to two young boys and understands the challenges that working parents face when it comes to achieving a life-work balance. She works with companies to deliver the ‘How to run your home like a business’ framework from keynote speaking to seminars to workshops to support their employees to achieve success in their home lives. Click here to learn more about Frazzle.

1 Hour
Start & Finish Time
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Members Fee
Non-Members Fee