News & Publications
Submissions, Reports and Letters

A short selection of recent submissions, reports and letters offers a glimpse of our activity.  This is only a recent snapshot, with each document representative of an active workstream. It doesn’t even include our collaborations with Chambers Ireland! We have multiple others on everything from greenways to green energy. Please be in touch with our team if more insight is helpful, or visit our full library here.

Media & PR Contacts
Bo Browne
Communications & Marketing Manager
Bo Browne
Bo Browne
Communications & Marketing Manager

Bo manages the communications and marketing for Cork Chamber. A communications conduit between Chamber activities, our valued members and external media, Bo channels our news through digital and traditional platforms while nurturing a consistent and authentic brand profile for Cork Chamber.

Aoife Moriarty
Public Affairs & Communications Executive
Aoife Moriarty
Aoife Moriarty
Public Affairs & Communications Executive

Public Affairs & Communications Executive

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