Mindfulness, Wellbeing & Performance

Artificial intelligence is already starting to play a big role in the workplace of today, thus placing a greater premium on skills unique to human beings, e.g. creativity, innovation and self-awareness. Core to the effective execution of these skills is our ability to focus on what’s most relevant in an increasingly complex and uncertain work environment.

Mindfulness is to focus what weight training is to building stronger muscles – it is an evidence-based skill that can be developed and strengthened through deliberate and consistent practice. It is also an effective tool to support health and wellbeing.

This workshop examines the science underpinning mindfulness and how it can be applied in our daily lives to drive performance and enhance wellbeing.

Learning Outcomes:

– Discover what mindfulness is and (just as importantly) what it is not.
– Understand the link between mindfulness and brain performance.
– Learn how to practice mindfulness.
– Identify where mindfulness can be applied in daily activities.

Kevin is a high-performance psychology consultant with over 15 years experience operating in corporate and elite sport settings.

Prior to joining the Wellbeing Outfit in 2020, Kevin had been head-hunted by EY for a specialist psychology role providing culture change, leadership, mental health, wellbeing, and safety services for corporate clients. He has also provided sport psychology support to world champion athletes, All-Ireland winners and international teams.

This course can also be run as an in-company programme delivered on-site to meet your specific requirements. For more information on in-company delivery, or if you have any questions regarding this course, please Click Here.